Family Care Personal Attendants LLC is a full-service, community-based in-home care agency that provides personal care services in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can tailor a plan for each of our client’s needs. We provide services for State-Funded Programs, VA recipients, Private Insurance, and Private Pay clients.
Family Care Personal Attendants offers:
- Personal Care Attendants
- Certified Nurses Assistants
- On-call staff
Things to consider when hiring a PCA or CNA:
- Matching the Appropriate Caregiver
- Daily Routines
- Health and Medication Issues
- Emergency Response
- Nutritional Issues
- Home Cleaning Issues
Upon your decision to receive home care services through us, we send our director to your residence to do an Assessment and Care Plan.
The areas we serve include:
- Ascension
- East Baton Rouge-West Baton Rouge
- East Feliciana-West Feliciana
- Iberville

Personal Care
Family Care Personal Attendants LLC provides quality care in your chosen environment. We provide assistance with ADL and IADL in the comfort of your home and facilities throughout the community. The tasks we can help you with include:
- Eating
- Bathing
- Dressing
- Grooming
- Toileting
- Transferring
- Walking
- Food Preparation
- Light Housekeeping
- Medication Reminders

New Opportunities Waiver (NOW)
This program is a Medicaid Waiver designed to provide home and community-based support and services to recipients with developmental disabilities who require the level of care of an intermediate care facility for people with intellectual disabilities (ICF/ID).
The objectives of the NOW program are to offer an alternative to institutionalization and promote independence and community inclusion for recipients through the provision of services. This program utilizes the principles of self-determination as a foundation for support and services and to supplement the family and/or community supports that are available to maintain the recipient in the community.
This program includes an array of services:
- Residential Supports
- Respite
- Community Integration and Development
- Employment-Related Supports
- Habilitation
- Environmental Modifications and Specialized Equipment
- Professional Services
- As Well as Other Services

Children Choice Waiver
The Children’s Choice Waiver is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services program that offers supplemental support to children with developmental disabilities who currently live at home with their families, or who will leave an institution to return home. This waiver is unique as it allows recipients between the ages of birth through 18 years of age to receive a specified monetary amount annually in support services, including support coordination, within a service package individually designed for maximum flexibility. This waiver is an optional service that will be offered to as many children as funding allows. Families of children on the current Developmental Disabilities Request for Services Registry (DDRFSR) will choose to accept a Children’s Choice Waiver offer or remain on the DDRFSR. This waiver is operated by the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) under the authorization of the Bureau of Health Services Financing (BHSF). Both OCDD and BHSF are agencies within the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DIM).
Support services to be provided are specified in the Plan of Care (POC). The person-centered planning team, including support coordinators, service providers, family/guardians, and those who know the child best, develops this plan. The POC contains all services and activities involving the recipient, including non-waiver services as well as waiver support services. This waiver includes:
- Center-Based Respite
- Family Support
- Environmental Accessibility Adaptations
- Support Coordination
- Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
- Aquatic Therapy
- Art Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Sensory Integration
- Hippotherapy/Therapeutic Horseback Riding
- Housing Stabilization Services
- Housing Stabilization Transition Services and Family Training
These services are provided as a supplement to all other medically necessary Medicaid services. Recipients are to receive only those support services included in the POC which are approved by the local Human Services Authority or District, hereafter referred to as the local governing entity (LGE).

Community Choices Waiver
The Community Choices Waiver is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver providing alternative services to individuals that assist them to live in the community instead of a nursing facility or institution.
Waiver services to be provided are specified in the Plan of Care, which is written by the support coordinator, based on input from the planning team, and then forwarded to the OAAS or its designee for approval. The planning team is comprised of the recipient, the support coordinator, and in accordance with the recipient’s preferences, members of the family/natural support system, appropriate professionals, and others whom the recipient chooses.
The Plan of Care contains all services and activities involving the recipient, non-waiver as well as waiver services. Recipients are to receive those waiver services included in the Plan of Care and approved by the appropriate support coordination designee or OAAS regional office (as applicable). Notification of approved services is forwarded to the provider by the support coordinator, and the contracted data management agency issues prior authorization to the providers based on the approved Plan of Care.
Long-Term Personal Care Services
The Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) established Long Term-Personal Care Services (LT-PCS) as an optional service under the Medicaid State Plan. This program is designed for Medicaid recipients who require assistance with the activities of daily living and are either in a nursing home or at imminent risk of nursing facility placement.
The purpose of LT-PCS is to assist individuals with functional impairments with their daily living activities. LT-PCS must be prior authorized and provided in accordance with an approved Plan of Care and supporting documentation. In addition, LT-PCS must be coordinated with the other Medicaid services, community services, and informal supports being provided to the recipient and will be considered in conjunction with those services.
Each person requesting LT-PCS will undergo a functional eligibility screening to determine if both the nursing facility level of care is met and the nursing facility admission is imminent.
The Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) and Bureau of Health Services Financing (BHSF) established a program that may provide Personal Care Services (PCS) to eligible (recipients up to age 21 years) meeting the medically necessary criteria for these services. The services offered under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) PCS program are provided by a Medicaid-enrolled agency that has a valid Personal Care Attendant License issued by the DHH.
The EPSDT—PCS program, by definition, does not include any medical tasks such as medication administration, tracheostomy care, feeding tubes, or catheters. If such tasks are necessary, they must be requested under either the Home Health Program or, if the recipient is certified for home and community-based waiver services, through the waiver program. BHSF will not accept the physician’s delegation for EPSDT — PCS providers to perform such medical tasks.